Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Great Escape

"MUAHAHA! You fools! We've got you now!"
"Fang, what are we going to do? We're surrounded!"
"I-I don't know, M-Mr Rain" Fang was shivering like crazy!
"You could fight them! You're a tiger, you can battle it out!"
"Pardon me. Mr Rain, but the most fighting I've ever done was with an elderly goose taking the last pink teacup! I can't win, not a chance!"
"Ehem!" Red Panda Guy clears his throat. "We're in the middle of capturing yo-!"

"Would you SHOOSH!!! We're trying to escape, in case you haven't noticed, and we would appreciate it if you would shut your pie hole!" I mean, I know he's evil, but he doesn't have to be so RUDE. 

Suddenly, I heard a screaming in the distance...

It was Medi! Using what appears to be a vine from some nearby tree, she swings in to save us!
She doesn't miss her target.

The impact was brutal. Red Panda Guy is launched into the air, and the lion guards are all leaping about trying to catch him. 

"Quickly," Medi says. "We don't have much time."

We run and we run and we run and we run, faster and faster, the furious shouts of the Red Panda Guy far behind us, but we don't stop running. We keep going for what seems like eternity, when we finally stop. 

"There. That should be far enough. Take a load off." Fang and I collapse on the floor, heaving, the sweat making our fur cling to our bodies. 
"Wha- What. Was. That." *cough cough heave* "You. S-saved us."
"Thank you for providing me with the chance! I Couldn't have made that if he wasn't distracted." 
"Oh my." *dramatic gasp* "Never make me do that again." Then he threw up on the grass beside him. 
There was silence for a while, while night slowly fell and we all caught our breathes. Except for Medi, who had hardly broken a sweat. Finally, I spoke. I felt it was important. 
"Fang. While cleaning your house a couple of days ago. I found a koala toy thing." Fang looked up from cleaning himself. I had never seen him so afraid. 
"Where did you find it?" he asked quietly. 
"In the wall of the house, near the entrance sort of." He gulps. 
"And where is it now?"
"It's right-" Oh no! I had left it somewhere. But where! I swore I had taken it with me! I started to look everywhere, panic engulfing me. 
"Fang, wherever you left it, whoever has it, we MUST get it back. It cannot fall into the wrong hands!" I wasn't that worried. I mean, where could it have possibly gone?


"Finally, after all these years... Ultimate power."


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Candy Cage

So basically, Red Panda Guy outrun me by a long shot. Then he put me in a cage, with a candy door. Then, when Fang really pathetically attempted to save me by throwing the teacup at him, he just got really mad and put him in a cage. So now we're all in cages.
Red panda guy: "Fang, you fool. I could have used you. And throwing the teacup? Really? You're a tiger for heaven's sake, act like one!"
Then he whistles really loud, and a hamster in a pirate costume shows up.
"Medi, I need you to guard the prisoners for me."
I could see the response in his eyes...

Pretty much as soon as Red Panda Guy left, Medi walked off, leaving us unguarded. Not that the hamster would have done much.
That's when I realised that I could eat though the candy cage door!
It look a lot of time, mostly spent sucking on those things at the top made of jaw-breakers, but I finally got out.
I had to get Fang out somehow, who felt pretty down with himself. Poor guy.
"Just let me go, Mr Rain. Go home and clean the house for me. Leave me be!"
"I'm not leaving you here you bum. I'll find a way."
That's when I noticed that the fences has small gaps in them. Pretty badly made. But Fang might be able to squeeze through.
It took a lot of convincing, but he eventually got out. That's when the panda guy came back. Dude! Goooo awaaaay!

"You fools! You think you can escape?"
Then he whistles a low tune, and as quick as a flash, 3 lions come.

Great. How are we gonna get out of this one?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Red Panda Guy

I decided to go on a walk. If Fang isn't coming back, what do I have to lose?
I walked and walked and walked for days until I came upon a really cute house that's built into some sort of tree?
It's really quite pretty, and had sooo many candy pieces. They each said "Take One." They didn't say I couldn't take 10, right?

Then i found a cake near a creepy looking statue, but the cake looked SSSOOOO yum!
That's when I heard voices coming from upstairs. I crept up hid. Made out two voices. A strange one, and a very familiar one. Fang!

Here was their conversation:
Strange voice: "I see you have brought me the teacup. You have done well, Fang."
Fang: "What do you want with a pink teacup anyway?"
"That is none of your concern! I have big plans for this teacup. Very big plans..."
"Well, alright, just so long as you keep Rain and I out of it."
"You were the one to get yourself involved. You bought me the teacup!"
"You forced me to, Mr Red, and I had little choice."
"Shh! Be still. I smell someone here."

Oh no, he's coming! Gotta fly!

Friday, May 29, 2015


Remember how Fang "Went to the Supermarket"? Well, he hasn't come back for 2 WHOLE DAYS. I've been stuck eating nothing but grass which is really gross, and doing nothing except staring at this creepy koala thing! Where are you Fang! ):(
I have decided that enough is enough. If he went anywhere, it wouldn't have been the supermarket. He would have gone to his favourite girly cafe'/teacup store/pottery place
It's not a bad sort of a place. Lots of nice people, cool things to eat (I got in sooo much trouble for nearly eating that table...).
Well, until you meet the manager. A sort of, umm, uptight, hard to get along with kinda guy. His owl assistance Ellice is really nice though.
Here was our conversation...

Manager: "Can I help you?"
Me: "Yes, I'm looking for Fang the tiger that always comes here. Have you seen him?"
"Oh. You're that oversized companion that hangs around him. Kind of like flies of poop I suppose. No, I haven't seen him."
'Wait, who is the poop in that illustration?'
"Very funny. I am actually quite fit for a rhino. Are you sure you haven't seen him?"
Quite certain. Now, if you're not going to buy anything, GET OUT. Ellice! Escort this tubby to the door please!
Ellice: "Right away, sir!"

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

"Few, we're out of ear shot. I'm really sorry about that. And I'm sorry that the Manager lied, too."
"He did?"
"Yes. Mr Fang was in here a day or so ago, and he bought a pink teacup and hurried off somewhere."
"Oh. Okay, well, thanks for telling me I suppose. Bye Ellice."
I cannot believe it! Running off is so not Fang's style, but buying a pink teacup is, so it must have been him. Where did he go in such a hurry? Am I going to be stuck at home alone forever?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Argh Chores

Hi guys. Fang went down to the store to get something *cough pink teacups cough* and left me to do chores :(
So yeah, he made me do chores all day, because "If you're going to live in my house, you have to pull your weight", and "When I was your age..."

Mopping the entire house

Raking all the leaves

Restocking the bird feeder. I needed a table to reach it.

Watering all of his girly gardens.

Pruning his tree (I just nibbled at the leaves), and I needed a table and a pizza box to reach it.

Also, he specifically told me I COULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES eat the fresh caramel apples :(
While I was cleaning the bookshelf, however, I found a hole in the wall that looked like it had been there for a really long time. Something really shiny was stashed in there.

It looks so cute, don't you think!
I feel like it's important somehow...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

To have a place




NOTE: For future reference, only speech is put into the actual comic picture, because of AJ's restricted chat. Thoughts are put in writing. Thanks!

Hi there!

Hello everybody! My name is Rain, and I'm a rhino! Well, a rhino plushie, actually. Anyway, this is a blog about the stuff that happens to me everyday. So it's more of a journal. Yeah! Let's call it that.
Be prepared for drama, twists and turns, new plots, and shocking secrets! As soon as I can think of them...
Bye for now!